Grammy-award winning jazz pianist and composer Bill Cunliffe has collaborated with Night is Alive on multiple occasions. His most recent album, Border Widow’s Lament, is a powerful and moving tribute to the rich tradition of jazz music. He can also be heard on popular Night is Alive Christmas albums Christmas in the Dog House and That Time of Year. We sat down with Cunliffe to pick his brain about music and life in general…
Night is Alive: How did your family play a role in shaping the musician you are today?
Bill Cunliffe: Well, my mother was a pianist. My father is a musicaholic, He always had music playing in the house. So, I was exposed to music at a very early age. My exposure to music at a very early age helped create my lifelong passion for music.
NiA: You have taught at several different schools across the country. What do you enjoy the most about teaching?
BC: Working with a student on a piece of music that they’re working on. Then referring to another piece of music. Our music is mostly by ear and not by sightseeing. So, the best way to learn it is by hearing a similar piece of music. Each time I work with a student on a piece of music I have heard I experience it in a different way.
NiA: What was your favorite part about working on Christmas In The Dog House with Night is Alive?
BC: Making music is my favorite part. The process of composing, arranging, and producing is always the best part about working on an album. Christmas music also can adapt easily to jazz. There seems to be more and more Christmas albums every year that are in jazz every year. People seem to respond well to jazz Christmas albums. People responded well to Christmas at the Doghouse.
NiA: Do you have any fun family traditions for Christmas?
BC: No, I don’t. Of course I do similar stuff to other people like a Christmas tree. This year I’m shopping for a LED wreath for my beautiful 100-year-old Spanish house. My house is not quite as festive as some of the other houses in the neighborhood, so I want to spruce it up a bit for Holiday season.
Check out this other interview we have with Bill Cunliffe, as well as his many albums with Night is Alive.